
Archive for the ‘15 Audio’ Category

Major Religious Orders of Men

In 15 Audio on 2016/07/08 at 12:00 AM

 The Major Religious Orders of Men

Host – Fr. Charles Connor

In the series, The Major Religious Orders of Men, Fr. Charles Connor examines the historical development of the major religious orders of men in the Catholic Church.

Program Name

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The Rise of Monasticism in the East 

Host – Fr. Charles Connor


Fr. Connor explores the origins of the monastic tradition in the Church.


The Contribution of Eastern Monasticism to the West 

Host – Fr. Charles Connor


Here Fr. Connor contributes that the fruit of Eastern Monasticism for the West was the rise of Irish monks and missionaries.


Benedict and the Order He Began 

Host – Fr. Charles Connor


Fr Connor explains the foundation of the Order of St. Benedict.


The Benedictines: Conversion of England and Germany 

Host – Fr. Charles Connor


Fr. Connor expounds on the ramifications of the Benedictine evangelization of England and Germany.


The Monastic Reform of Cluny: Cistercians and Carthusians 

Host – Fr. Charles Connor


Fr. Connor shares the immense reform of monasticism that sprung forth from Cluny in France.


The Order of Carmel 

Host – Fr. Charles Connor


Here Fr Connor shares the contemplative heritage which began with the prophet Elijah seeking God on Mount Carmel in Israel, was deepened with the apparition of Our Lady to St. Simon Stock, and was furthered with the lives and mysticism of Sts. Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross.


The Poor Man of Assisi and His Order 

Host – Fr. Charles Connor


Fr Connor examines the witness of holy simplicity lived out by St. Francis in Assisi, Italy. By his example Francis encouraged single-hearted devotion to the life and Passion of Jesus Christ.


The Franciscan Family 

Host – Fr. Charles Connor


Fr. Connor declares that Francis’s charism for living out the Gospel in the charity of Christ attracts a multitudinous following and ultimately causes the Franciscan Order to become the world’s largest.


Dominic and the Order of Preachers 

Host – Fr. Charles Connor


Fr. Connor shares how the Spaniard Dominic de Guzman received his calling in the same time period as St. Francis of Assisi, and how the two fraternal orders bolstered the faith-life of the Church in a time of crisis.


Ignatius and His “Company” 

Host – Fr. Charles Connor


Fr. Connor witnesses to the heroism of Ignatius of Loyola, former Spanish soldier become saint through reading the life of Christ and of the saints. The group of men Ignatius inspired would spread his evangelical zeal throughout the world.


The Mission of the English Jesuits 

Host – Fr. Charles Connor


Fr. Connor focuses on the phenomenal blossoming of faith in the midst of the horrific persecution in Britain by Henry, Elizabeth and protestant successors to the throne. The Jesuits defended the Apostolic Faith with their lives, ensuring that Catholicism would endure forever in their homeland.


The French Connection: Sulpicians and Vincentians 

Host – Fr. Charles Connor


Fr. Connor reveals the tremendous spiritual work in France by the Society of St. Sulpice and the followers of St. Vincent de Paul.


Alphonsus and Paul of the Cross: Redemptorists and Passionists 

Host – Fr. Charles Connor


Fr. Connor shares the inspirational work of orders faithfully dedicated to the parish missions by Sts. Alphonsus Liguori and Paul of the Cross.

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Catholicism: The Heart of History

In 15 Audio on 2016/06/24 at 12:00 AM


Catholicism: The Heart of History Back to Series List
Program Name Audio File Name – Click to download
1. The Roman Imperium and Christendom: Constantine, Justinian and Charlemagne
Host – Joanna & James Bogle
History of the spread of Christianity and Catholicism through the Roman Empire and it’s subsequent fall to the Franks – Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Leo III.
2. The Roman Pontiff & Emperor: Keystones to the Commonwealth of Christ
Host – Joanna & James Bogle
In Pagan Rome the Emperor was also the head of the pagan church and had the title “Pontifax.” The Church changed the word from Pontifax to Pontiff. The Christian Holy Roman Emperor and the Pontiff were a support for one another – the Pope would approve and crown the Emperor and support the idea of the “Divine Right of Kings, while the Emperor would support and protect the Church.”
3. The Knights Templar and Hospitaller
Host – Joanna & James Bogle
Order of Knights created to serve the Church during the Crusades to protect pilgrims and Catholic Christian Churches in the Holy Land from Muslim invaders.
4. The Inquisition: Medieval, Spanish and Roman: What’s the Real Story?
Host – Joanna & James Bogle
The Roman inquisition was quite different from the Spanish and in fact was quite mild in comparison. The purpose was to root out heresy and protect the doctrines and deposit of Faith of the Church. In Spain, the State was experiencing cases where false converts, particularly from Islam, were trying to infiltrate and overthrow the Monarchy.
5. Spain, England & America: The Black Legend, True or False?
Host – Joanna & James Bogle
The Tears of the Indians, a book published in England, claimed that the Spanish explorers and settlers of the New World were exploiting and forcing the American natives to convert to Catholicism. This was propaganda aimed at denouncing the Catholic Church and the Spanish Monarchy as well.
6. Galileo: The Church and Science
Host – Joanna & James Bogle
Galileo was asked to refrain from speaking about his agreement with the Copernican view of the Universe. The Church and the Pope never said that Copernicus theory was wrong, rather the Church wanted to avoid confusion for those who would not understand the change from a Ptolemaic view to a Copernican view of the universe. Almost all of the scientific discoveries of the age were made possible through the Universities established by the Church.
7. The Protestant Reformation and How The People of England Opposed it
Host – Joanna & James Bogle
8. The English Civil War: What Really Happened?
Host – Joanna & James Bogle
9. The Enlightenment and the Suppression of the Jesuits
Host – Joanna & James Bogle
10. The French Revolution and the Destruction of Christendom
Host – Joanna & James Bogle
11. The Counter-revolution in France & Austria
Host – Joanna & James Bogle
12. 1848 to WWI: The Rise of Secularism, Nationalism & Totalitarianism
Host – Joanna & James Bogle
13. The Church in the 20th Century
Host – Joanna & James Bogle

Our Father’s Plan

In 15 Audio on 2016/04/09 at 12:00 AM

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavins

Want to learn the key to reading the Bible and understanding the big picture of Our Father’s plan for His creation? Hosts Scott Hahn and Jeff Cavins provide an overview of the Bible’s external structure before delving into its rich content. 

Our Father’s Plan Back to Series List
Program Name Audio File Name – Click to download
1. Reading Through The Bible 

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavins  iq_2021.mp3 You could open up the Bible and start reading; but do you know where to start? Scott Hahn and Jeff Cavins will deal with this throughout the series as they discuss how to read the Bible in chronological order while telling us what the Bible is saying. It is important to know it’s a book of history. You can’t just open it up and start reading. It doesn’t read like a novel. They will show how to read the Bible in Chronological order. Scott outlines four key theological concepts and foundation principals. They look at what we can do with it and how we can apply it. They also describe Biblical covenants and look at the six covenants that were made throughout the Bible.

2. History Of Early World 

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavinsiq_2022.mp3 The first 11 chapters contain the main themes of the Bible. You can compare them to an acorn that sprouts a shoot and becomes a tree. They take a look at the first parts of Genesis 1-11. They say that genealogy acts like a camera lens. They also talk about the covenant that was made with Noah and how his sons spread throughout the land. Scott talks more in depth about the four themes and what they mean. He also describes the differences between a contract and a covenant.

3. Patriarchs 

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavinsiq_2023.mp3 Scott and Jeff take a look at God’s blood covenant with Abraham which takes place in the second part of Genesis (12-50). They discuss how the three promises that God made to Abraham became covenants. They also talk about the patriarchs, what they represent and why blessings were important. They highlight the Bible’s call to fidelity to Our Lord through Joseph’s bondage into slavery and his rise to power in Egypt.

4. Israel In Egypt 

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavinsiq_2024.mp3 Scott and Jeff look at Abraham and the three promises and covenants that were made between him and God. They talk about the book of Exodus and explain difficult areas of the book. They talk about Israel as being God’s first-born son and discuss the covenant that was made at Mount Sini. They look at why cattle, sheep and goats were sacred for Egyptians. He also explains the breakaway from Egypt and the Mt. Sinai covenant. They then talk about the “golden calf” incident and the result from it and why the Levites were the ones who became priests.

5. Conquest Of Canaan 

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavinsiq_2025.mp3 Scott and Jeff look at Israel’s forty year travail in the desert. They look at the books of Deutoronomy and Numbers. The book of Numbers describes the Israelite’s forty year wanderings. Scott and Jeff also cover the Dueteronomic covenant which established the political constitution for the nation of Israel from their time until the coming of Christ. It was to Israel what our Constitution is to us. They also explain why God required animal sacrifices.

6. Judges 

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavinsiq_2026.mp3 Scott and Jeff examine the rise and fall of the nation of Israeli. They talk about the books of Joshua and Judges. They also talk about a five point cycle of sin that takes place seven times during this period. The cycle starts out by finding ourselves in sin until we are delivered by God and then we go back to silence. Every time during this cycle, God raised up leaders who were called Judges. There were 12 judges, 6 who were major judges and 6 who were minor ones. Scott talks about the three parts of Joshua and the battle of Jericho.

7. United Kingdom 

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavinsiq_2027.mp3 Scott and Jeff take a look at Israel’s three major kings: Saul, David, and Solomon. The books of 1/2 Samuel and 1 Kings describe these kingdoms. The absence of a king represented a lack of holy leadership. Samuel warned the people of what a king would do and King Solomon ended up doing what Samuel said a king would do. They also look at how the second promise God made to Abraham was fulfilled in David. The kingdom lasted 120 years and was divided into 40 years for the three kings. This time is considered to be Israel’s Golden Age.

8. Divided Kingdom 

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavinsiq_2028.mp3 Jeff and Scott examine the rebellion against King Solomon’s son around the year 930 BC in 1 and 2 Kings and how it divided Israel in two. They explain the importance of the prophets and knowing which part of Israel they are talking to. This sheds light on what they are saying and why. They also look at the story of Jonah and the prophets Daniel and Ezekiel.

9. The Exile 

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavinsiq_2029.mp3 Scott and Jeff discuss the Babylonian exile and Israel’s return from exile. Judaism begins during their return. Israel endured 70 years in exile. Their return came about in 3 stages. Scott and Jeff examine the books of Ezra and Nehemiah who were among the first to return from exile. Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi wrote at this time as well. They conclude their discussion on the Old Testament by considering the Maccabbean revolt and the book of Maccabbees.

10. Gospels I 

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavinsiq_2030.mp3 Scott and Jeff describe how to navigate the New Testament. They discuss the New Testament’s structure, the Gospels’ main themes and intended audience and how they portrayed Christ. They also examine the similarities between Jesus and Moses.

11. Gospels II 

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavinsiq_2031.mp3 Scott and Jeff examine St. John’s Gospel which is considered to be the most symbolic. It gives us a reliable history that is almost sacramental in character. They talk about the sacraments that are found in John’s Gospel: Baptism and the Eucharist. They also talk about why the Eucharist is really the Flesh of Christ and not a symbol and why for many years no one questioned it. It is in John 6:4 that Jesus links himself to the Passover and the Exodus. The Old Testament lamb is a symbol of Christ.

12. Acts I 

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavinsiq_2032.mp3 Jeff and Scott introduce the early church. The Book of Acts is the last historical book. It fulfils the third promise to Abraham as Jesus commands His followers to spread the Gospel. They look at the Book Acts’ division in three parts which covers 29 years of the Church’s expansion. They also outline a theological approach to Acts and discuss Sola Fide and Sola Scriptura.

13. Acts II 

Host – Scott Hahn & Jeff Cavinsiq_2033.mp3 Scott and Jeff conclude the series by examining the books of Hebrews and Revelations. Hebrews sheds light on how the New Covenant fulfills the Old Covenant. Jesus is the New Melchizedek. The doctrine of the Eucharist is the basis of the New Covenant. They also talk about how to understand the heart of the message of Revelation. Through the Mass, we will win the spiritual battle. They look at the Book of Revelation’s insights into the anti-Christ and the rapture and the image of Mary as the Ark of the New Covenant.

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Catechism and Controversies

In 15 Audio on 2015/11/27 at 12:00 AM
Catechism and Controversies
Host – Msgr. Michael Wrenn
The Catechism of the Catholic Church issued in its present form contains an authentic statement of the faith in its fullness. Unfortunately, there are those, and many are religious educators, who are already trying to subvert the teachings found in the Catechism. In a challenging and insightful way, Msgr. Michael Wrenn examines the inner workings behind the publication of the new Catechism of the Catholic Church as well as several problems found in today’s religious education efforts.

Catechism and Controversies Back to Series List
Program Name Audio File Name – Click to download
1. Catechetical failures
Host – Msgr. Michael Wrenn
Msgr. Michael J. Wrenn looks at the ethical and moral problems found in our society and attributes them to, among other things, the failure of catholic religious educators to pass on the faith.
2. The historical context for the New Catechism
Host – Msgr. Michael Wrenn
Msgr. Michael J. Wrenn examines a number of documents and ideas that lead to the need for a new Catechism.
3. Struggles
Host – Msgr. Michael Wrenn
Msgr. Michael J. Wrenn examines the idealogical power struggle that surrounded the formation of the new Catechism.
4. The English translation
Host – Msgr. Michael Wrenn
Msgr. Michael J. Wrenn discusses some of the problems with translating the text of the new Catechism into English.
5. Commentaries
Host – Msgr. Michael Wrenn
Msgr. Michael J. Wrenn looks at the numerous commentaries written for and against the new Catechism and their impact on the Faith.
6. Scripture scholarship
Host – Msgr. Michael Wrenn
Msgr. Michael J. Wrenn discusses the importance of expert scripture scholarship and its impact on the new Catechism and those who would read it.
7. The Foundations of our Faith
Host – Msgr. Michael Wrenn
Msgr. Michael J. Wrenn talks about the four pillars of the Catechism and the bedrock of our Faith.
8. Proper Faith Formation
Host – Msgr. Michael Wrenn
Msgr. Michael J. Wrenn discusses the proper formation of a person’s faith which is one of the functions of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
9. Religious Education in the U.S.
Host – Msgr. Michael Wrenn
Msgr. Michael J. Wrenn looks at some of the tensions which came about after the holy See strengthened the norms of religious education in the US.
10. Church History
Host – Msgr. Michael Wrenn
Msgr. Michael J. Wrenn examines the antiquity of the Church and how proper religious education can enhance our appreciation for church history.
11. Pope John Paul II’s teachings
Host – Msgr. Michael Wrenn
Msgr. Michael J. Wrenn looks at Pope John Paul II’s voluminous contributions to the teachings of the faith including the new Catechism.


Biblical Story of the Mass

In 15 Audio on 2015/11/20 at 12:00 AM

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes

Prefigured in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New, the biblical story of the Mass spans the breadth of Scripture and beyond. What Jesus began on Calvary culminated in everlasting glory in the heavenly sanctuary, and is made present on earth every time Catholics celebrate and partake of our Eucharistic Lord in the Sacrifice of the Mass. Join Father Wade Menezes and EWTN Theology Advisor Tom Nash as they explore “The Biblical Story of the Mass.”

The Biblical Story of the Mass Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes

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On Earth as It Is in Heaven: Rediscovering the Biblical Story of the Mass 

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes


The biblical story of the Mass didn’t begin at the Last Supper and Good Friday, nor did it end there. Sacrifices from Abel and Abraham to Melchizedek and Moses set the stage for Jesus Christ, “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” The Mass sacramentally re-presents or makes present again Christ’s one Sacrifice of Calvary, which began on the Cross and culminated in everlasting glory in the heavenly sanctuary.


In God We Trust? Paradise Lost 

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes


It might be a surprise to hear, but the biblical story of the Mass actually begins in the Garden of Eden. See what happened when Adam and Eve failed to trust God, and how the tree of life prefigures the Eucharist.


Worthy is the Lamb? 

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes


Lambs are known to be vulnerable and in need of being saved, so how did they become the prime image of the Savior? Learn why God chose the docile, “little lamb” as the sacrificial paradigm of discipleship.


What’s Your Name? Who’s Your Daddy? The Priesthood of Melchizedek 

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes


Who was Melchizedek and what was the nature of his priesthood? And how did he become the priestly model for Jesus instead of the Levites, who served in the Temple of ancient Israel?


Like Fathers, Like Sons: Abraham and Isaac Receive God’s Saving Word 

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes


God doesn’t ask more of us than he asks of himself. Learn how Abraham’s offering of his only son Isaac prefigures the Sacrifice of the Son of God, whom our heavenly Father sent to save the world.


Thanks for the “Memories”: Passover, Yom Kippur and the Sacrifice of the Mass 

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes


For the ancient Israelites, liturgical “remembrance” was never a mere recollection. See how “yesterday impacts today” in the Old Covenant through God’s blessing, and how Jesus does so much more profoundly in the New Covenant Mass.


God Draws Near to His People: Ancient Israel as Liturgical Training Ground 

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes


Offering sacrifices is for our benefit, not God’s, reminding us of our need for Him. Various Old Testament sacrifices prefigured Jesus’ one Sacrifice of Calvary, including the ritual that sealed the Old Covenant and the twice-daily Tamid lamb sacrifices. But none, as we will see, was sufficient in atoning for man’s sins.


On This Bread Alone, Man Shall Live Forever 

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes


When a priest pronounces the words of consecration, what looks like bread is no longer. Throughout salvation history, God miraculously fed multitudes or individuals on various occasions. But all of these miracles are but pale precursors to the Eucharist, the true “bread from heaven,” which provides life eternal for all who partake of it faithfully.


Jesus Transforms the Passover: Instituting the Eucharist as the New Covenant Communion Sacrifice 

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes


The Passover lamb is conspicuous by its absence in the Last Supper accounts of the Gospels. Jesus mysteriously offers his body and blood under the appearances of bread and wine, establishing the New Covenant Passover in the process.


Making Heaven a Place on Earth: Jesus as a Priest Forever According to the Order of Melchizedek 

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes


As the Letter to the Hebrews makes so clear, Jesus ascends to the heavenly sanctuary to culminate his Sacrifice of Calvary in everlasting glory. And, because Jesus is a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek, heaven and earth become one in the holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Paradise is as close as your local parish church!


Symbolic Supper or Sacrifice of Calvary Made Present Again? 

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes


When St. Paul mentions the “Lord’s Supper,” most Protestant Christians view the ritual as simply a symbolic meal, which recalls Christ’s redemptive work that they believe began and ended on the Cross. Is this doctrinal perspective supported by biblical and other historical evidence? Tune in to find out.


Challenging Questions About the Mass and Eucharist 

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes


How can Jesus’ limited human body be both present in heaven and on earth, as well as in many places on earth, through the miracle of the Eucharist? On a related note, if Jesus is really present in the Eucharist, why do the consecrated bread and wine still look and taste like ordinary bread and wine? Tom and Father Wade will address these and other challenging questions in this episode.


“Proclaiming the Lord’s Death Until He Comes Again”: The Mass in the Early Church and Beyond 

Host – Tom Nash, Fr. Wade Menezes


Following Jesus’ Resurrection, St. Paul and other scriptural writers affirm the biblical basis of the Mass and Eucharist, as do early Church writers like St. Ignatius of Antioch. We’ll consider these sources, as well as the remarkable story of Julian the Apostate and his divinely thwarted attempt to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.

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That They Might Have Life

In 15 Audio on 2015/10/22 at 12:00 AM

Fr. Pablo Straub, CSSR conducts this in-depth teaching series and study on the seven sacraments, the manner in which we should live our lives in response to them, and the underlying prayer that must support our participation in each of them.

That They May Have Life

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Program Name

Audio File Name – Click to download


If you knew the gift 

Host – Fr. Pablo Straub



Unto the Holy Trinity 

Host – Fr. Pablo Straub



As my Father sent me 

Host – Fr. Pablo Straub



The Lamb that saves the sheep 

Host – Fr. Pablo Straub



How can I pray? 

Host – Fr. Pablo Straub



The Mass is Calvary 

Host – Fr. Pablo Straub



In the person of Christ 

Host – Fr. Pablo Straub



Oh, merciful God! 

Host – Fr. Pablo Straub



The Wedding Feast of the Lamb 

Host – Fr. Pablo Straub



He makes her holy 

Host – Fr. Pablo Straub



To live is Christ 

Host – Fr. Pablo Straub



The thirst of God 

Host – Fr. Pablo Straub



The Church that prays 

Host – Fr. Pablo Straub


Military Orders and the Crusades

In 15 Audio on 2015/10/22 at 12:00 AM

The Military Orders and the Crusades

Host – James and Joanna Bogle

The Crusades are often a misrepresented and misunderstood part of the history of the Church. James and Joanna Bogle reveal the compelling truth behind the crusades, investigating their causes and history. They also explain how various military orders were established to protect Christian interests in Europe and the Holy Land from invading Muslims after the first crusade.

Joanna & James Bogle: The Military Orders and the Crusades

Please click on the links on the right to access these programs:


The Military Orders and the Crusades Back to Series List
Program Name Audio File Name – Click to download
1. Military Orders and the Origin of the CrusadesHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_01.mp3
Many misconceptions exist surrounding the Crusades. James and Joanna Bogle discuss why the Crusades were actually a defensive reaction in response to invading Muslim forces rather than the offensive act of aggression they are often portrayed to be.
2. Rise of IslamHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_02.mp3
Prior to 612 AD most of the Middle East was Christian territory. James and Joanna Bogle detail how through invasion and conquest Islam spread through the Middle East, northern Africa and across parts of Europe.
3. Muslim Conquest of the Holy PlacesHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_03.mp3
Islam spread quickly in the early 700’s stretching through all of Mesopotamia, parts of India, all of northern Africa, Spain, almost to Constantinople. James and Joanna Bogle explain how the Muslims captured the Holy Land with all its important Christian sites causing the need for a defensive force to take back those lands taken from Christianity.
4. Defending the Kingdom of JerusalemHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_04.mp3
In response to the Muslim invasion of the Holy Land, Christians mobilized for the first crusade in a attempt to win back the Holy Land. James and Joanna Bogle explain how Catholic Knights from across Europe traveled to the Holy Land and drove out the Muslims to establish the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
5. Knights TemplarHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_05.mp3
Legends about the Knights Templar have been exaggerated in modern day literature. James and Joanna Bogle relate the true story of the knights, showing how they were established as an elite fighting force whose purpose was to protect pilgrims and holy sites within the Holy Land after the First Crusade.
6. Knights HospitallerHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_06.mp3
The Knights Hospitaller is the oldest of the Military Orders and one that persists to this day. James and Joanna Bogle discuss how this order originated to help protect and serve Christians in the Holy Land and still serve today with their many hospitals and other charities.
7. Albigensian Crusade Against the CatharsHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_07.mp3
The Albigensians were a heretical group in Europe that mounted attacks against the Church, burning churches and killing Catholics. James and Joanna Bogle demonstrate that like the other Crusades, today’s secular world likes to put an anti-Catholic slant on what was a purely an action of self-defense by the Church.
8. The Templars: Defense of the Holy Land to SuppressionHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_08.mp3
Through their defense of the Holy Land, the Knights Templar gained wealth and power. James and Joanna Bogle show how this caught the envious eye of Phillip IV of France. He mounted a persecution of the order to gain their wealth which lead to their eventual suppression.
9. The Hospitallers: From Rhodes to the Siege of MaltaHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_09.mp3
After the fall of Jerusalem, the Hospitallers were forced to move their base from city to city. James and Joanna Bogle explain how they eventually ended up on the island of Malta where they have flourished to this day. Today the Knights make over a billion dollars in charitable donations each year and continue to tend to others through their hospitals and clinics.
10. The Teutonic Knights and the Baltic CrusadeHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_10.mp3
Like the Hospitallers, the Teutonic Order was formed to establish hospitals and aid pilgrims in the Holy Land. James and Joanna Bogle relate how the Order later transferred its efforts to Poland and Prussia. But with the conversion to Lutheranism of the Prussian leaders, the order was secularized by the government, leading to is disbandment.
11. Iberian Orders: Spain, Portugal and the ReconquistaHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_11.mp3
As the Muslim conquest of Europe continued, almost all of the Iberian Peninsula was overrun. James and Joanna Bogle show how infighting among Muslim leaders allowed the Crusading Knights to regain a foothold in northern Spain, and eventually drive the Muslims out of the entire area.
12. Later Crusades Up to the French RevolutionHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_12.mp3
Europe and thus Catholicism was continually attacked on all sides by Muslim forces. James and Joanna Bogle use examples such as the Battle of Lepanto to show how the Christian leaders were able to stop Muslim invasions, often under miraculous conditions, until the era of the Crusades finally wound down in 1789.
13. Modern View of the Military Orders and the CrusadesHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_13.mp3
After the French Revolution, secularism swept across much of Europe. James and Joanna Bogle show that to deny the authority of the Church, secularists painted the crusaders as imperialistic conquerors instead of defenders of Christians and the faith, a misconception that persists to this day.

Joanna & James Bogle: The Military Orders and the Crusades

Please click on the links on the right to access these programs:


The Military Orders and the Crusades Back to Series List
Program Name Audio File Name – Click to download
1. Military Orders and the Origin of the CrusadesHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_01.mp3
Many misconceptions exist surrounding the Crusades. James and Joanna Bogle discuss why the Crusades were actually a defensive reaction in response to invading Muslim forces rather than the offensive act of aggression they are often portrayed to be.
2. Rise of IslamHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_02.mp3
Prior to 612 AD most of the Middle East was Christian territory. James and Joanna Bogle detail how through invasion and conquest Islam spread through the Middle East, northern Africa and across parts of Europe.
3. Muslim Conquest of the Holy PlacesHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_03.mp3
Islam spread quickly in the early 700’s stretching through all of Mesopotamia, parts of India, all of northern Africa, Spain, almost to Constantinople. James and Joanna Bogle explain how the Muslims captured the Holy Land with all its important Christian sites causing the need for a defensive force to take back those lands taken from Christianity.
4. Defending the Kingdom of JerusalemHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_04.mp3
In response to the Muslim invasion of the Holy Land, Christians mobilized for the first crusade in a attempt to win back the Holy Land. James and Joanna Bogle explain how Catholic Knights from across Europe traveled to the Holy Land and drove out the Muslims to establish the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
5. Knights TemplarHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_05.mp3
Legends about the Knights Templar have been exaggerated in modern day literature. James and Joanna Bogle relate the true story of the knights, showing how they were established as an elite fighting force whose purpose was to protect pilgrims and holy sites within the Holy Land after the First Crusade.
6. Knights HospitallerHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_06.mp3
The Knights Hospitaller is the oldest of the Military Orders and one that persists to this day. James and Joanna Bogle discuss how this order originated to help protect and serve Christians in the Holy Land and still serve today with their many hospitals and other charities.
7. Albigensian Crusade Against the CatharsHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_07.mp3
The Albigensians were a heretical group in Europe that mounted attacks against the Church, burning churches and killing Catholics. James and Joanna Bogle demonstrate that like the other Crusades, today’s secular world likes to put an anti-Catholic slant on what was a purely an action of self-defense by the Church.
8. The Templars: Defense of the Holy Land to SuppressionHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_08.mp3
Through their defense of the Holy Land, the Knights Templar gained wealth and power. James and Joanna Bogle show how this caught the envious eye of Phillip IV of France. He mounted a persecution of the order to gain their wealth which lead to their eventual suppression.
9. The Hospitallers: From Rhodes to the Siege of MaltaHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_09.mp3
After the fall of Jerusalem, the Hospitallers were forced to move their base from city to city. James and Joanna Bogle explain how they eventually ended up on the island of Malta where they have flourished to this day. Today the Knights make over a billion dollars in charitable donations each year and continue to tend to others through their hospitals and clinics.
10. The Teutonic Knights and the Baltic CrusadeHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_10.mp3
Like the Hospitallers, the Teutonic Order was formed to establish hospitals and aid pilgrims in the Holy Land. James and Joanna Bogle relate how the Order later transferred its efforts to Poland and Prussia. But with the conversion to Lutheranism of the Prussian leaders, the order was secularized by the government, leading to is disbandment.
11. Iberian Orders: Spain, Portugal and the ReconquistaHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_11.mp3
As the Muslim conquest of Europe continued, almost all of the Iberian Peninsula was overrun. James and Joanna Bogle show how infighting among Muslim leaders allowed the Crusading Knights to regain a foothold in northern Spain, and eventually drive the Muslims out of the entire area.
12. Later Crusades Up to the French RevolutionHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_12.mp3
Europe and thus Catholicism was continually attacked on all sides by Muslim forces. James and Joanna Bogle use examples such as the Battle of Lepanto to show how the Christian leaders were able to stop Muslim invasions, often under miraculous conditions, until the era of the Crusades finally wound down in 1789.
13. Modern View of the Military Orders and the CrusadesHost – James and Joanna Bogle milorders_13.mp3
After the French Revolution, secularism swept across much of Europe. James and Joanna Bogle show that to deny the authority of the Church, secularists painted the crusaders as imperialistic conquerors instead of defenders of Christians and the faith, a misconception that persists to this day.

In the Footsteps of St. Paul

In 15 Audio on 2015/10/16 at 12:00 AM

Please click on this link to access programshttp://www.ewtn.com/vondemand/audio/seriessearchprog.asp?seriesID=6101&T1=Pacwa

In the Footsteps of St. Paul…This is a twelve part series by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.

Note: Fr. Mitchell “Mitch” Pacwa , S.J., is bi-ritual; he can celebrate liturgy in both the Roman and  Maronite rites.

Fr. Pacwa earned his Ph.D. in Old Testament from  Vanderbuilt University.  His Master of Divinity and S.T.B are from the School of Theology at Loyola University. A master linguist, Fr. Pawca speaks the ancient languages of  Latin, Koine Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic and Ugaritic.   He is fluent in Arabic, Hebrew, German, Polish, Spanish, Italian, French,

Who Do You Say I Am? – Host: Fr. Mitch Pacwa

In 15 Audio on 2015/10/09 at 12:00 AM

Who Do You Say I Am?
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa
Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. uses Biblical teaching to dissect the New Age Movement and expose its flaws, faults and deceptions.

Who Do You Say I Am? Back to Series List
Program Name Audio File Name – Click to download
1. Inside The Brain
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1674.mp3
Brain research is one of the most important influences in the New Age movement. The New Agers are interested in the split brain phenomena and Fr. Pacwa takes a look at this. Each side of the brain controls something. They view the brain as in a struggle but it is working together.
2. The Power In A Brain
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1675.mp3
Fr. Pacwa talks about a few concerns that he has with the New Age movement. one of the things the movement would like us to do is to move from the left side of the brain to the right side. They consider the left side to be the enemy that limits what we can do and Fr. Pacwa explains why this is wrong. He says that one of their ways that we move from the left to the right side is through the use of psychedelic drugs like LSD, magic mushrooms, etc. However they don’t condone drugs like cocaine and alcoholism.
3. Meditation Control
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1676.mp3
Fr. Pacwa takes a look at the other ramifications of the division of the brain. He talks about meditation in the New Age movement. He talks about the way that some New Agers use to meditate like psychotechologies and yoga and what is wrong with yoga. He also takes a look at Christian spirituality and how Christianity is to be lived. He says that we should be defined as a deep relation with Good.
4. New Age Physics
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1677.mp3
Before we can understand their practices, we need to understand their basic philosophy. Fr. Pacwa takes a look at how physics have taken an effect on New Age perspective and also research on the brain. The New Age physics teaches us that everything is energy. It’s the new paradigm shift that supports pantheism and monism. New Age physics rejects Newton and the Jewish and Christian understanding of God. God is cut off from creation therefore creation is no longer sacred.
5. Beginning Of New Age Part 1
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1678.mp3
Fr. Pacwa talks about the New Age movement as it is seen in the United States, Europe, and other parts of the world and gives a history of the movement. . He addresses it by using Scriptures. He looks at what they believe in and where they came from. He also talks about where they came from, why they exist, and how we can deal with them. He then looks at Zen and oriental religion and how they are sources for the New Age movement.
6. Beginning Of New Age Part 2
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1679.mp3
Fr. Pacwa looks more into the roots of the New Age movement in this country and what started it. He then moves on to look at how it is a twisted perversion of Christianity and the Christian experience. He also looks at movements like the great awakening and the spiritualistic movement which led to the New Age movement but aren’t part of the New Age movement.
7. Eastern Religion And New Age
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1680.mp3
Fr. Pacwa looks at how the New Age movement was influenced by Indian beliefs and eastern religions. He talks about early Hinduism and the development of reincarnation and beliefs of how it works. He then looks at what they believe about Karma and how it works. There are similarities and differences between the New Age movement’s views on karma and what the Hindus views are and Fr. Pacwa looks at them.
8. Trance Channeled Spirits
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1681.mp3
Trance Channeled Spiriting is allowing spirits to take over another person within them while the person is in a trance. There are scripture references about trance channlers and we are forbidden to see them. We should not trust them and Fr. Pacwa explains why. Fr. Pacwa looks at the writings of the first trance channler Edgar Casey and his follower Ruth Montgomery.
9. A New Way Of Thinking
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1682.mp3
Why are people involved in the New Age movement? Fr. Pacwa says that they are motivated by the search for meaning. For many of them the normal sources of authority has lost its authority. They like to question everything. He looks at why the believe that everything can be considered to be a god. They believe that everything physical is just an illusion. It is your mind that creates the stars. If you develop your mind/conscience more, you’ll be able to create more powerful things. They think all the world and everything that is physical in it is just an illusion. He also looks at why they have turned away from the church.
10. New Age Physics
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1683.mp3
11. False Christ In The New Age
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1684.mp3
Fr. Pacwa takes a look at what the New Agers teach about who Christ was and how their views are wrong. Some people may get the wrong ideas about Christ and the church. Jesus warned us to watch out for false prophets. New Agers believe that we are all Christs. We are not to receive another Christ. He looks at what the nature of their views are on the crucifixion and the resurrection and gives scripture references to rebuke the New Agers views on Christ.
12. False Teaching About Christ
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1685.mp3
Fr. Pacwa looks at the different false teachings about Christ. He uses scripture references that refers to Christ and deals with Christ. Many people have wrong ideas about Christ, God, and the Church. Some New Agers believe that Christ isn’t really God. He looks at some of the things that the New Age movement teaches and how we can respond to them.
13. Reincarnation And Christ Part 1
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1686.mp3
Fr. Pacwa looks at Edgar Casey’s views on Christ being reincarnated and then he looks at what the Bible teaches about reincarnation. He also takes a look at who they twist the New Testament to make it appear that the verses support their views such as reincarnation. Fr. Pacwa reviews these passages and goes through others to show why the Bible doesn’t support their views.
14. Reincarnation And Christ Part 2
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1687.mp3
Fr. Pacwa takes a look at why we are against reincarnation and he uses scriptures to support it. He goes over a few passages the New Agers might use from the New Testament and shows why they are wrong in their beliefs. He also explains deja vu and what the views are on out of body experiences. New Agers believe that your karma will determine what you will come back as in your next life and Fr. Pacwa takes a look at what it means.
15. Morality
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1688.mp3
This area is one that is important to discuss. Fr. Pacwa looks at karma and what how does it work. There are many issues that have to be dealt with karma. What does right and wrong mean. They tend not to believe in right and wrong. The difference between good and evil is an illusion you make. They believe that sine we are gods we can make our own commandments. He looks for scriptures for motives to be good.
16. Astronomy And Astrology
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1689.mp3
The only relationship there is between astronomy and astrology is that they are interested in stars. He talks about what the differences between the two are. He also talks about some experiments that were done to prove that astrology is false and can’t predict what a person is going to be like. There are some scientific problems with it and they take a look at what the problems are. People may talk about what their sign is and Fr. Pacwa takes a look at what they are talking about.
17. What The New Age Teaches Power
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1690.mp3
18. The Problem With The Zodiac
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1691.mp3
Astrology has their roots earlier than the New Age movement but it’s a big part in the New Age movement. Fr. Pacwa looks at the history of astrology and how it works. He says that it’s a cheap way to characterize people to think they know what others are like. He looks at how Isiah condemns astrology. He also talks about some problems that are facing astrologers such as the charts were made when there were only six planets. They talk about how there is no relation between the moon phase and the events that result.
19. Quest For Power
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1692.mp3
20. The Search For Inner Peace
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1693.mp3
We live in a very stressful society and Fr. Pacwa says that people get into the New Age stuff in order to relax. One of the things people that people have done to relax is to try transcendental meditation. He talks about the history of transcendental meditation and how it got started. He also looks at what they are teaching people to do. There are many problems with the meditation and Fr. Pacwa looks and explains what is the matter with it.
21. The Coming Of The New Age
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1694.mp3
The New Agers believe that there is a New Age coming and Fr. Pacwa looks at what they are talking about and what this New Age will be like and how some believe it will occur. The New Age that they are talking about is the age of Aquarius. There is confusion about it. Not all New Agers believe in how it will come about. Fr. Pacwa looks at how some believe that it will just evolve and how others believe a catastrophe that can’t be avoided will result in the New Age.
22. Ecology And The New Age
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1695.mp3
Fr. Pacwa looks at what types of position Christians should have towards the environment. Environmentalism is not just a New Age movement concern. He looks at the New Age views on ecology. Ecological problems are foundational and shared by all nations. He looks at who are our ecological neighbors.
23. Crystals
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1696.mp3
Fr. Pacwa takes a look at crystals and crystals enlightenment which he considers to be the weird part of the New Age movement. He talks about the history of crystals and how they took beauty a step farther. Crystals are good to look at but some people believe that they can get energy from them. He also looks at the kind of crystals and how they work.
24. Personality Types
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1697.mp3
Fr. Pacwa takes a look at some of the ways that the New Agers use to understand personality. He looks a common way they do it by using personality types. They are strengths and weaknesses to it and Fr. Pacwa takes a look at it. He then moves on to look at what are eneagrams and the difficulties that he has with them. He says that it has been mythologized.
25. A Message From Outer Space
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1698.mp3
Fr. Pacwa takes a look at the interest of UFO’s and ET’s and why it’s popular in the New Age movement. It seems that anytime people who live in other societies other than our own who come up with something great, it must be the result of space people. He also looks into the weird views they have about how personality changes. You have something you can’t explain and you’ll come up with a theory to explain it.
26. Evangelizing The New Age
Host – Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. iq_1699.mp3
There are different levels of involvement in the New Age movement from those who may see a physic to the hard core New Agers who believe in the movement. Fr. Pacwa looks at these types of people and how we should go about responding to them. Not all New Agers are wackos. There is a wide range of people in the movement. We have to be careful not to be judgmental. Fr. Pacwa gives advice on what to do and he recommends some books to read about Catholic Theology and books to read about the New Age movement.

The Quest for Shakespeare

In 15 Audio on 2015/10/02 at 12:00 AM

Host – Joseph Pearce

A scholarly exploration of the evidence for Shakespeare’s Catholicism hosted by Joseph Pearce and brought to life by professional actors. Shakespeare is arguably the greatest writer whoever lived yet few people know that he was a believing Catholic at a time of intense anti-Catholic persecution. This series follows the Quest for Shakespeare, discovering the evidence for his Catholicism. Once the evidence is discovered and presented, in these thirteen episodes, it will be seen that his Catholicism can be proven beyond all reasonable doubt.

The Quest for Shakespeare

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Program Name

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Will the Real Shakespeare Please Stand Up? 

Host – Joseph Pearce


The first episode of a new series examining the evidence for Shakespeare’s Catholicism.


His Father’s Will 

Host – Joseph Pearce


The discovery of a spiritual last will and testament, written by Shakespeare’s father, proves that the Playwright was raised in a staunchly Catholic home.


Faith of his Fathers 

Host – Joseph Pearce


An examination of Shakespeare’s Catholic family.


Living with Outlaws 

Host – Joseph Pearce


Life for the young Shakespeare, at home in Stratford-upon-Avon, was fraught with danger and intrigue as his family faced the threat of persecution for its Catholic faith.


A Rose by Any Other Name 

Host – Joseph Pearce


Did Shakespeare work secretly as a schoolmaster in a Catholic stately home? The evidence is examined.


Love’s Labours, Lost Years 

Host – Joseph Pearce


The controversy surrounding Shakespeare’s marriage and the baptism of his children, and the mystery surrounding his “lost years”.


Murdered Spy, Martyred Priest 

Host – Joseph Pearce


Shakespeare’s relationship with Christopher Marlowe and St Robert Southwell.


Playing Safe with the Queen 

Host – Joseph Pearce


The complex nature of Shakespeare’s relationship with Queen Elizabeth.


Family, Friends and Enemies 

Host – Joseph Pearce


The evidence for Shakespeare’s Catholicism to be discovered in his relationship with his family and friends, as well as in his conflicts with his opponents.


The King’s Good Servant 

Host – Joseph Pearce


The complexities of Shakespeare’s relationship with King James I. How could he remain the King’s good servant, but God’s first?


The Lessons of Lear 

Host – Joseph Pearce


How Shakespeare’s Catholic sympathies can be discovered in his play, King Lear.


Last Years 

Host – Joseph Pearce


Shakespeare’s final years, after his retirement and his return home to Stratford, and the Catholic circles in which he moved.


“He Died a Papist” 

Host – Joseph Pearce


The evidence of Shakespeare’s will that suggests that he died, as he had lived, as a believing Catholic.


Host – Joseph Pearce


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